Canadian Daylily/Region 4 Availability Guide

Cover Contest

As we did last year we are looking to showcase some amazing 2013 registered introductions to our Northern Market by featuring them on the front cover of the guide along with the name and brief description.  In addition to the front cover photo we would also like to include a ½ to full page biography of the hybridizer located somewhere within the guide.

 This offer is limited as follows: the front cover will consist of between 4 and 5 photos in total from different hybridizers.  A hybridizer may submit their entire 2014 introduction and could be selected as the sole person for a feature in the guide and as the only person appearing on the cover (with the entire photo gallery).  Selection of the front cover photos is at the sole discretion of the Canadian Daylily Availability Guide.  All photos must be of 2014 introductions.  All photos showcase should be of daylilies that will grow and thrive in our Canadian Climate.

 Submission of photos for selection will continue on until November 30, 2013.  To submit your photos please email either photos of your plants to or provide a web link. Selected Hybridizers will be notified after November 15th of their inclusion and for their profile request and a high resolution photo(s) will be requested at that time.

 In lieu of a payment for this prestigious placement and promotion we are asking for a double or single fan of each plant chosen these plants in turn will be sent to a daylily club in order to promote both yourself and the guide.

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