Canadian Daylily/Region 4 Availability Guide

Daylily Groups

The following is a list of Daylily Organizations in Canada, to have your group listed both here and in the guide please forward a detailed description of your group to

If you are not already a member of one of these daylily clubs, consider joining today or why not join all of them.

The Aldergrove Daylily Society Langley, British Columbia

The club holds meetings monthly from February to October; a Christmas party in December; their annual fundraising show in July; and every four years the club hosts the AHS Region 8 meeting.

Association des amateurs d’hémérocalle de la région de Québec (AAHRQ).
Our Club has members from across Quebec. To join, simply contact the secretary (onwebsite). The cost is $ 10 per person and $ 15 for a couple.

We have a dynamic website in constant progression. We can see the members of cultivars and hybrids of our hybridizers, a training section and the various club activities. The Club publishes a journal, the "Amirocallis", which is published four times a year

The Canadian Hemerocallis Society
Formed back in January 2001 with an overwhelming number of members joining almost immediately after the announcement went out. Membership hails from coast to coast and we our mandate is to promote all daylilies regardless of where they were first hybridized. We typically publish a 52 page color Journal “The Canadian Daylily Journal” twice a year, with the remaining correspondence and news worthy items sent by e-mail.
The Canadian Hemerocallis Society hosts our Fall Extravaganza every year in Toronto and co-hosts the Canadian-American Daylily Meeting (Can-Am Niagara) the last weekend of every March in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Both of the meetings provide a terrific venue for our members to purchase many plants imported from the United States, without the hassle of dealing with Customs and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency as the plants are at the meeting itself. The Can-Am Niagara has 12 or more speakers over the 3 day event and loads of other activities to make one the best meetings in the circuit.

The Friends of the Beausejour Daylily Gardens
A group of dedicated volunteers that started, plan, organize, maintain, and promote this unique 2 acre community project.   The BDG is the only AHS and CHS Display garden on the Canadian prairies. 
The Friends meet the 3rd Monday of the month; and there is no membership fee.  "Garden Angels" adopt and maintain 100 sq. ft. sections of the 12,000 sq. ft. of raised flowerbeds.  Other volunteers help out with the dozens of activities and fundraising events planned throughout the year. 
Visit for newsletter, and events.  Email:

Nova Scotia Daylily Society
Formed in 2003
Membership:  approx. 100

Monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday, Sept - June.  Special Summer functions in July & August.

Ontario Daylily Society
The Ontario Dayliy Society is a non-profit organization whose main purpose is to promote and educate the gardening public about daylilies. The club has operated successfully since it was first founded in 1997. ODS is affiliated with the American Hemerocallis Society, belonging to Region 4 which encompasses eastern Canada and the northeast United States.
Membership in the ODS allows you to attend all club meetings, plant sales, garden tours, to receive a regular newsletter and to participate in an email discussion forum. The club provides members with access to some of the newest daylilies introduced by major hybridizers from across North America.

Monthly meetings are held at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, On. Every April, ODS hosts the annual Can-Am Classic, which is a day long program featuring guest speakers, slide presentations, plant auctions and sales. The annual general meeting is held together with our fall conference which again features presentations by guest speakers and the opportunity to socialize with Region 4 gardeners who also
share a passion for daylilies.  For more information or to join please visit

Quebec Hostas and Hemerocallis Society
4101 east, Sherbrooke St
Montreal, Qc, J0K 1C0

President: Reggie D. Millette ( or

Our club is celebrating in 2010 its 10th anniversary. We have over 150 members. Our club promotes the hostas and the daylilies.

Every year we have an hybridizer photo contest. We have two gardens recognized as display gardens in the hostas and five as display gardens in the Daylilies. Every year we have great speakers coming to see us namely Crochet, Peat, Petit, Kent, Salter, Walek, Lorrain and many others.

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